Unit testing in Emacs

All right, let’s start out with some basic unit testing. Unit testing is about testing the behavior of a specific function. A good rule of thumb is that if an Elisp function is interactive, it should most likely not be tested with a unit test, but rather with an integration test. The reason is that the unit test will not use the function as it is supposed, via M-x or a key binding, but with an explicit function call. The unit test can use call-interactively to simulate similar behavior, but again, it’s better to test the function exactly as it is intended to be used, using integration tests.

In Emacs 24, there is a built in testing library called Ert (Emacs Regression Testing). There are a coupple of others, but this post will only use Ert. To create a test, use ert-deftest.

(ert-deftest my-test ()
 ;; ...

Ert also includes the assertion functions: should, should-not and should-error:

(ert-deftest my-test ()
 (should (equal (my-fn) expected))
 (should-not (equal (my-other-fn) expected))
 (should-error (error "BOOM")))

Because the power of macros in Emacs, it is possible to use any expression in the assertion functions, and at failure Ert will print the expanded and evaluated tree. In other languages you would have to use helpers, such as should-equal, should-not-equal and should-contain to get a decent failure report.

Ert runner

At the moment, unit tested Emacs packages all work very different. It is very annoying that for each package you want to contribute to, have to figure out how testing works. So I created a package called ert-runner in hope that unit tests for Emacs packages would work the same way.

To install, add ert-runner to the package Cask-file.

(source melpa)

;; ...

 (depends-on "ert-runner"))

Once installed, you should be able to run the ert-runner command. To setup testing, run:

$ cask exec ert-runner init

This will create a directory called test with the following content:

  • test/test-helper.el - This file is included in each test run before any test file is loaded. This is a good place for common test helper functions.
  • test/this-package-name-test.el - A test file. All files in the test directory ending with -test.el is considered a test file.

To run all test files, run:

$ cask exec ert-runner

See usage information for more information:

$ cask exec ert-runner -h


To give you a better understanding about how this works in practice, I will create a simple package that will be unit tested. The package has one simple purpose and that is to find the project root given a file or directory. The definition of a project root is that there exists a file or directory in that directory with a name included in a list (that is defined in the package).

If you want to follow along this example locally, start of by installing Cask if you haven’t already.

The function that finds the root is called root-find and will be used like this:

(root-find "/path/to/dir")
(root-find "/path/to/file.txt")

Start off by creating a directory called root:

$ mkdir root

In the root directory, create a Cask-file with this content:

(source melpa)

(package "root" "0.0.1" "Find project root.")

 (depends-on "f")
 (depends-on "ert-runner"))

Run cask to install.

Create the ert-runner test files:

$ cask exec ert-runner init

The function will be working with files and directories, so the tests can either use a helper function that run in a sandbox environment or use stubs and mocks. If stubs and mocks can be avoided, it’s always the better option. So I will to use a sandbox environment for a few reasons:

  • Stubs and mocks fakes behavior, while the sandbox environment will do the testing exactly like the function will be used.
  • Stubbing and mocking recursive functions in Emacs is not easy given the provided tools.
  • Creating a sandbox environment is easy.

The file test/root-helper.el defines the sandbox helper function and require the package:

(require 'f)

(defvar root-test-path
  (f-dirname (f-this-file)))

(defvar root-code-path
  (f-parent root-test-path))

(defvar root-sandbox-path
  (f-expand "sandbox" root-test-path))

(require 'root (f-expand "root.el" root-code-path))

(defmacro with-sandbox (&rest body)
  "Evaluate BODY in an empty temporary directory."
  `(let ((default-directory root-sandbox-path))
     (when (f-dir? root-sandbox-path)
       (f-delete root-sandbox-path :force))
     (f-mkdir root-sandbox-path)

Given the definition of root-find, these are the test cases I want. The function is called with:

  • no argument (use default-directory)
  • a directory as argument
  • a file as argument
  • a directory, which is the project root
  • a directory that is not within a project directory

Here are the corresponding Ert-tests:

(ert-deftest root-test/no-argument ()
  "Should use `default-directory' when no argument."
   (f-mkdir ".git")
   (should (equal (root-find) root-sandbox-path))))

(ert-deftest root-test/directory-as-argument ()
  "Should find root directory when directory as argument."
   (f-mkdir ".git")
   (f-mkdir "foo" "bar" "baz")
   (should (equal (root-find "foo/bar/baz") root-sandbox-path))))

(ert-deftest root-test/file-as-argument ()
  "Should find root directory when file as argument."
   (f-mkdir ".git")
   (f-mkdir "foo" "bar" "baz")
   (f-touch "foo/bar/baz/qux.txt")
   (should (equal (root-find "foo/bar/baz/qux.txt") root-sandbox-path))))

(ert-deftest root-test/project-root-as-argument ()
  "Should find root when root as argument."
   (f-mkdir ".git")
   (should (equal (root-find root-sandbox-path) root-sandbox-path))))

(ert-deftest root-test/no-project-root ()
  "Should return nil when no root."
  ;; Obviously not the best test since /bin may not exist, but should
  ;; work in most cases.
  (with-sandbox (should-not (root-find "/bin"))))

Now that the tests are written, let’s implement the function. As a good exercise, try writing the function yourself. As always, write the simplest possible code, just so that it works. It does not have to be pretty, as long as the tests pass. This is my version:

(defvar root-files '(".git" ".projectile" ".cask")
  "List of names that defines a project root.")

(defun root-find (&optional dir)
  "Find project root, starting at DIR."
  (setq dir (or dir default-directory))
  (if (file-regular-p dir)
      (setq dir (expand-file-name ".." dir)))
  (let (is-root-dir (parent (expand-file-name ".." dir)))
    (unless (equal (file-truename parent) (file-truename dir))
      (dolist (root-file root-files)
        (when (file-exists-p (expand-file-name root-file dir))
          (setq is-root-dir t)))
      (if is-root-dir dir (root-find parent)))))

(provide 'root)

Now that there is a working version, let’s put some sugar on it. Change the Cask-file to include f and dash:

(source melpa)

(package "root" "0.0.1" "Find project root.")

(depends-on "f")
(depends-on "dash")

 (depends-on "ert-runner"))

Using those packages, the refactored function looks like this:

(defun root-find (&optional dir)
  "Find project root, starting at DIR."
  (let ((root
          (lambda (path)
            (--any? (f-exists? (f-expand it path)) root-files))
          (or dir default-directory))))
    (unless (f-root? root) root)))

And I can be sure everything still works, because the tests pass. Yay!

If you want to get some inspiration from Emacs packages that have a good unit test suite, check out these:

That’s it for this post folks, hopefully you learned something. Next up is integration testing!

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