Prodigy v0.3

Prodigy version 0.3 has just been released with a lot of new awesome features. Here is a list of the most important changes.

Tag inheritance

If a service is tagged, the tags will show up in the Prodigy buffer. Prodigy now comes with a new function called prodigy-define-tag:

  :name 'foo

The function accepts almost the same parameters as prodigy-define-service. See doc-string for prodigy-define-tag for more information.

Tags does not have to be defined, but if they are, services that has that tag, will inherit all of its properties. The inheritance is recursive, so if the tag in turn has any tags, the service will inherit all those tag properties.

So what can you actually use this for? To illustate the use of this, here are a few tags from my Prodigy configuration.

  :name 'thin
  :on-output (lambda (service output)
               (when (s-matches? "Listening on 0\\.0\\.0\\.0:[0-9]+, CTRL\\+C to stop" output)
                 (prodigy-set-status service 'ready))))

  :name 'webrick
  :on-output (lambda (service output)
               (when (s-matches? "WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=[0-9]+ port=[0-9]+" output)
                 (prodigy-set-status service 'ready))))

  :name 'mongrel
  :on-output (lambda (service output)
               (when (s-matches? "Ctrl-C to shutdown server" output)
                 (prodigy-set-status service 'ready))))

  :name 'rails
  :tags '(thin mongrel webrick))

If a service is tagged with rails, it will also inherit the properties from thin, webrick and mongrel. So no matter which one of these servers your Rails application is using, the status will be properly updated (see below for more information about status). This also allow other services and tags to inherit those servers.

On output hook

As you might noticed in the above example, there is a new property called on-output. The function is called each time the service process gets any new output. The function is called with the service and the output.

Improved status handling

In the tag inheritance example above, the function prodigy-set-status was used. What it does is it sets the service status. The function takes two arguments, the service and the status id. A status has to be defined. Prodigy includes a few statuses by default (see doc-string for prodigy-status-list), but you can add your own with prodigy-define-status.

Use hl-line

Previously, Prodigy implemented its own highlight line functionallity. Now Prodigy is using hl-line for this.

Updated colors

The status colors are a bit nicer. You can customize these yourself. See prodigy-green-face, prodigy-red-face and prodigy-yellow-face.

Url property can be list

The url property can now be a list. If it is a list, Prodigy will ask you what url you want to open.

  :name "Foo"
  :url '("http://localhost:3000"

Async restarts

Some processes takes a while to stop. Previously, the restart command did not work very well for such processes. Now, Prodigy stops the process, waits for it to be stopped and then starts it.

If the process is not successfully stopped, the status will be set to failed and the service will not start.

Force kill process

Some processes just wont die. Now, if you give a prefix argument to prodigy-stop, it will stop with a SIGKILL signal.

Service path property

The path property can now be a string, list or lambda.

  :name "Foo"
  :path "/path/to/foo")

  :name "Foo"
  :path '("/path/to/foo" "/path/to/bar"))

  :name "Foo"
  :path (lambda ()
          '("/path/to/foo" "/path/to/bar")))

A nice use case for this, taken from my own Prodigy setup is this:

  :name 'node
  :path (lambda ()
          (f-join default-directory "node_modules" ".bin")))

Node services will often run the command coffee or nodemon to start a service. With this tag, the path to /path/to/project/node_modules/.bin is added to the exec-path so that the project always run with the correct version and not the global one.

Service command property

The command property can now be either a string or a lambda:

  :name "Foo"
  :command "exec")

  :name "Foo"
  :command (lambda () "exec"))

Service args property

The args property can now be either a list or a lambda:

  :name "Foo"
  :args '("exec" "foo"))

  :name "Foo"
  :args (lambda () '("exec" "foo")))

Hidden tags

Some services you just want to tag, but you don’t want to show the tag in the Prodigy buffer. Here is one such from my config:

  :name 'python-simple-http-server
  :hide t
  :on-output (lambda (service output)
               (when (s-matches? "Serving HTTP on 0\\.0\\.0\\.0 port [0-9]+" output)
                 (prodigy-set-status service 'ready))))

As you might notice, the tag has set the hide property to true. That means that everything will work just as normal, except that the tag will not show up in the Prodigy buffer.

That’s it!

That should cover most of the new features. But more are comming! Thanks for now!

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