Various testing tools in Emacs

I promised a last post in the “testing in Emacs” series. I have covered both unit and integration testing. In this post I will show various tools you can use to improve your testing skills even more.


All my projects has a Makefile with tasks for running the tests and setting up the local development environment. I recommend that you do the same. Here is an example Makefile.

CASK ?= cask
EMACS ?= emacs

all: test

test: unit ecukes

	${CASK} exec ert-runner

	${CASK} exec ecukes

	${CASK} install

.PHONY:	all test unit ecukes install

In your projects README file, you can now under the “Contribution” section write:

To contribute to my project, Install Cask and then:

$ make install

Run the tests with:

$ make test


Travis is awesome! It’s free for open source projects and really easy to set up. So go ahead and do it for your projects now!

Here is a Travis configuration file that I use for all my projects:

language: emacs-lisp
  - curl -fsSkL | sh
  - export PATH="/home/travis/.cask/bin:$PATH"
  - export PATH="/home/travis/.evm/bin:$PATH"
  - evm install $EVM_EMACS --use
  - cask
  - EVM_EMACS=emacs-23.4-bin
  - EVM_EMACS=emacs-24.1-bin
  - EVM_EMACS=emacs-24.2-bin
  - EVM_EMACS=emacs-24.3-bin
  - emacs --version
  - make test

Add that content to a file called .travis.yml in your project root and activate that project on the Travis website. Next time you push to your repo, Travis will run and make sure your tests pass.


I recommend using mocks and stubs only when you have to. If you test a function using mocks and stubs, the test will depend on the implementation of the function. That means, if you refactor the function, it is likely that you have to update the test as well. If you write your test without mocks and stubs, you should be able to change the test implementation without updating your test.

But, sometimes we need to use stubs and mocks. There are two libraries in Emacs for this as far as I know: el-mock and mocker. Since I am the maintainer of el-mock, that is the library I will explain here.

All mocking and stubbing is done in a block called with-mock.

 ;; ...

El-mock has three functions that I primarily use in my tests: stub, mock and not-called.


The stub function is used when you want to change the return value of a function. By default, nil is returned. A use case for this is when a function prints a message and you don’t want that in your test output.

 (stub message)

You can also make a function return a specific value:

 (stub f-exists? => t)


A mock is like a stub, only a bit more advanced. You can assert a function to be called with specific argument (if f-exists? is not called with "/path/to/foo", the test will fail).

 (mock (f-exists? "/path/to/foo"))

You can also specify how many times the function must be called:

 (mock (f-exists? "/path/to/foo") :times 3)

If you want the mocked function to return a value, you can do that with:

 (mock (f-exists? "/path/to/foo") => t)


This function is as simple as it sounds. It makes sure that a function is not called.

 (not-called f-delete)

There are a few other functions in el-mock, but I let you explore those yourself!


EVM (Emacs Version Manager) is a tool that allow you to install multiple different versions of Emacs. Functionality differ between Emacs version, even minor, so you have to make sure that your packages work on a few different versions.

If you have installed EVM and a few Emacs versions, you can run the tests in multiple versions using a simple script like this:

for version in 24.1 24.2 24.3; do
  EMACS=$(evm bin emacs-$version-bin) make test

If you want to make it even more fancy, check out make -j, which can do the same thing, but simultaneously.

Ert Async

To be able to test a project of mine called Prodigy, I had to work with asynchronous functions, but Ert has no support for this, so I wrote a wrapper library around Ert that does this. The library is called ert-async.

It works almost exactly like Ert. There is a function called ert-deftest-async that works like ert-deftest, except that the function argument list is used for done callbacks.

Let’s say you have a function and you want to test that it callbacks when done.

(ert-deftest-async my-funky-func-test/callback (done)
  (my-funky-func (lambda () (funcall done))))

If the done function is called (without arguments and once) within ert-async-timeout (default 4 seconds), the test will pass.

If the done callback is called more than once, the tests fails. This can be useful at times. For example, if my-funky-func would have callbacked more than once in the previous example, the test would have failed, which we expect.

If the done function is called with an argument, the test also fails. This can also be useful. Let’s say that my-funky-func takes two callbacks, one if the function was successful and one if it was not. You can then call done with an argument in the error callback to make sure that is never called.

(ert-deftest-async my-funky-func-test/callback-successful (done)
   (lambda ()
     (funcall done))
   (lambda ()
     (funcall done "should have been successful, but was not"))))


Cask is key to everything I do when I develop Emacs packages. I’ve used Cask in the previous posts, so you should be fairly familiar with it.

I do however want to talk a bit about the future of Cask. As we speak (or as you read), we are actively working on making Cask more than just a dependency manager, which it is today. We are working on making Cask a project management tool. That means that Cask will handle the whole development cycle: setup, testing, development, packaging, releasing and more.

I recommend you start adapting Cask right now, so that when this functionality is ready, you are too.

That’s it! I hope you found this post useful. Please post your questions and comments below.

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