I just updated wrap region to version 0.4.0. The update includes two important changes: custom trigger key and mode specific wrappers.
When you add a wrapper, say ( and ), the left punctuation will be used as the trigger key. Now you can add wrappers with a custom trigger key. For example, lets say you want p to wrap with the p-tag. Then you can do this:
(wrap-region-add-wrapper "<p>" "</p>" "p")
This feature is implemented by tkf, thanks!
The most notable feature though is mode specific wrappers. This allow you to specify wrappers for specific modes. The docstring for wrap-region-add-wrapper now looks like this:
(wrap-region-add-wrapper LEFT RIGHT &optional KEY MODE-OR-MODES)
An example usage is the wrapper above. That wrapper only makes sense in html-mode, which can be specified.
(wrap-region-add-wrapper "<p>" "</p>" "p" 'html-mode)
Now p will only wrap in html-mode.
Lets say you want # to wrap with # and # in all modes except css-mode and java-mode, then # should wrap with a comment (/* and */).
(wrap-region-add-wrapper "#" "#")
(wrap-region-add-wrapper "/*" "*/" "#" '(css-mode java-mode))
This feature is implemented by me and tkf, thanks again! :)
Check out the README for more information.