Change encoding of files (including the names)

Recently, at work, I had a bunch (too many to handle manually) of ISO-8859-1 encoded YAML-files, which I had to convert to UTF-8.

I knew that iconv took care of that, and with a for-loop I went through all files and converted them.

for file in *.yml; do
  iconv -t UTF-8 -f ISO-8859-1 "$file" > "new/$file"

The file contents was converted correct. But the file names however had question marks instead of some special characters (å, ä and ö). I solved that with this little hack.

for file in *.yml; do
  iconv -t UTF-8 -f ISO-8859-1 "$file" > "new/$(echo $file | iconv -t UTF-8 -f ISO-8859-1)"

Note that if you find yourself using this sometimes and want to make a script of it, you should probably refactor out the common call to iconv and make the formats available to specify as arguments.

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